Most commented posts
- Being Decisive Shapes Success — 18 comments
- Pain And Achieving Success — 6 comments
- The Importance of Leverage in Business — 4 comments
- Purpose and Purposefulness — 4 comments
- Relax your way to SUCCESS — 4 comments
Feb 12
In this article: 7 Habits of Highly Wealthy Entrepreneurs by Dave Lavinsky, he shares some great tips. Have a read, take notes and pick one or two to start of with if you have more than one of the non wealth building habits. Habits are what will make you successful – not any old habit… good …
Dec 06
I’m just back from a conference in Chicago – got in late last night! You know how I believe in attending as many events as you can possibly manage. It gives you such energy, you meet new and old friends, get great ideas, any of which could really turbo-charge things for you. That’s pretty much …
Dec 04
Last week, we were visiting the subject of outsourcing. By now, you’ll realize it is a vital form of LEVERAGE for your business, and ALL successful people use it. You simply can’t do everything yourself. Assuming you tried, you’ll probably quit from overload and frustration. The smart person will figure out what they need to …
Nov 29
For those in the US, it was Thanksgiving on Thursday. First off, most had the day off -I still do not get why some stores are open! It’s an opportunity for everyone to spend time with those near and dear to them, relax and probably have a bit more food and drink in celebration than …
Nov 27
You’ve heard about it, and are wondering what the advantages of outsourcing are? Why all the buzz? You may have a knee-jerk reaction to it, but I want you to slow down here. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! You may only think about outsourcing as having the customer service of your cell …
Nov 22
Hey, this is Week 10 of the series! Time has gone by so fast, and it’s been a great pleasure bring it to you and the wonderful response to it. You’ve found it to be a helpful oasis in the millions of miles of information coming at you from out there, and be able to …
Nov 20
Today, I want to direct a special message from me to you: YOU ARE WONDERFUL! I mean that in every way – the whole of you is a magnificent creation – nobody will ever be like you – there was none like you before and there won’t be anyone like you later. See how unique …
Nov 15
Wheee….. and we are getting closer to the end of the year and a whole lot of holidays! Great for some, not so great for others. If you have some fears and anxiety when the holidays approach – it’s most likely down to not having enough cash to buy the gifts you want for the …
Nov 13
This is such a popular question, and no wonder! With the huge amount of information out there, it is often difficult to figure out what actually works, not to talk of what works best FOR YOU! You know the old saying: Knowledge is Power? Not quite true. You have so much information at your fingertips …