Here is a follow up commentary on Mac and his door opening antics. Why did he want to open the door? I discuss that in this follow up video.
When you ask why they want success, most people at some point mention that success and the money it brings gives them FREEDOM! The freedom to do whatever it is you want, how you want, when you want. You can do all the things on your list: travel, look after loved ones, give your money and TIME to causes you hold dear and not wonder if you have enough to tide you over. That is a great feeling!
Time is your most precious commodity, but if you are in a regular job, most will not have the time to do what they really want, and end up feeling trapped and unfulfilled.
Start by defining what success means to you, how you intend to achieve it,. Then write it down and start taking steps to make success your reality.
Believe this: the success and freedom you desire is within your reach.
We’ll be talking about how to ensure you are successful and have the freedom to do as you please. That requires financial freedom.
Let’s get you started!