Do you have Success Worthy habits?

I’m always amazed at how anyone can think that they can put in as little as possible in their current job and somehow become the best at what they do IF they get the job of their dreams.
What they fail to recognize is: that is very unlikely to happen!

The person who complains about their job all the time, and puts in the least possible amount of work to stay in the job shouldn’t be surprised when staff are laid off that they are amongst the first to be let go.

For the person who does their best, they are often the last to be fired and first to be rehired (if that occurs) or get another job, if that is what they want. They will tend to have good recommendations and their work recognized, leading to better opportunities.

Some weeks ago, I was talking to a young man – lets call him Steve, in a wireless store who was helping me out – he was actually more like a clerk, quite eager to learn, and spent a lot of his spare time studying as much as he could about the various handsets, plans & products in the store – he was getting a lot better than some of the actual trained technical staff!
One day, an undercover customer service reviewer came into the store and Steve helped him out. The reviewer was so pleased with Steve, he revealed he was an undercover reviewer, and offered to transfer him to a more progressive branch of the company! Included was an opportunity to formalize his education and move on to better things.
Steve wouldn’t have been made any offer if he had not been doing his best where he was, even as the current circumstances were not ideal.

It is the attitude that you approach things now that you will tend to take forward with you. Even if your current situation is not optimal, why not do the best you can there anyway – that attitude and habit will lead you to much better opportunities and success.

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Leverage and ROI

It is VITAL to understand leverage, its importance in your life, and how to apply it.
Leverage at its most basic means doing more with what you have. For the business person, that is usually their time and sometimes money.
EVERYONE should leverage their time and money, but most are not aware of the concept or how to use it.

In this video, I give an experience with leveraging money – there was a fantastic return on investment. If you can get a great ROI, you have leveraged your money. It is very short sighted to consider cost in isolation.

For more, subscribe to my newsletter – there will be special offers and news, hot off the press.

*******NEWSFLASH – Special offer running right now – only available if you are on my list

You want to leverage your time to create a successful online business?
CLICK HERE to get started now!


Celebrating your way to Success

OK, that sounds a bit strange – listen to my thoughts on why Gratitude and Celebration are linked, and what it has to do with your success journey.
Remember – success makes you more of what you are – you could be a really successful ar****** or a really successful nice person (and there are loads of those around, and I know quite a few of them).

Which one are you?

I’m grateful for the small and large; the inch of toothpaste as well as “big deals”, such as when my Alexa ranking went from nowhere to 5 million and is now at 3+ million. Still a ways to go, but I am truly thankful.

Gratitude is such an important success habit – and easy too!

If you haven’t done so, CLICK HERE to subscribe to my newsletter.

And if you REALLY want a chance to be a successful online marketer in a much shorter time than with most programs, check this out RIGHT HERE.


“Learning” your way to SUCCESS

Successful people are lifelong students – always learning something new: new ways to do things, tackle a new skill or project.
It has been well proven scientifically that you build better brain power by doing something new or different.

If you keep doing the same thing, you’ll end up with a shrunken brain with decreased function- yikes! You NEED a fully functioning brain throughout life if you want a good quality one – and who doesn’t?


Learn new things, do things differently – you’ll soon be thinking more creatively, enjoy what you do and be successful! What’s not to like?


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And CLICK HERE for a quick “study” to get you well on your online success journey


What have Challenges got to do with Success?

I get a lot of my thoughts whilst in the shower or asleep. I can wake up with the solution to a challenge, or a whole letter that I was mulling over before I went to sleep ready to go! I’ve done it for years, even before I started reading about the Law of Attraction and books and seminars by thought leaders.

Try it yourself, but it really stems from having a receptive mind in the first place: your subconscious does the rest. Today I got to thinking of how challenges have featured in my success journey.

Time to make friends with some discomfort on your journey to success – the rewards can be phenomenal. You’ll learn lessons that will be lifelong.

It’s not the situation or challenge that is important, it is HOW YOU REACT to it that is the important factor in determining the outcome.


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And HERE is a great start to your online business success!


The 80/20 rule and Business Success

Today, I visit the Pareto principle, also called the 80/20 rule. It applies to almost everything we do – just take a look around you.

Here I give some suggestions to use it in your favour – a success secret that has worked really well for me. You will develop a laser focus and optimize your results and business success.

Here are some other examples: 80% of of the money in a system or country is in the hands of 20% of the population (hint – become one of the 20%!), 80% of central London is owned by 20% of the landowners (actually, its a lot tighter than that). Out of all the foods available to you, we eat 20 % of varieties 80% of the time……. see where this is going? Now here are more relevant ones: 80% of complaints will come from 20% of your database and 20% of your sales and marketing force will produce 80% of your sales.


When you know this, how do you use it in your favour? Well, as I mentioned, you can use it to focus on your really important clients, meetings, articles, sales personnel, books to read, grocery list to remember and so on.

If 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your products – yikes!!! – what a waste of energy holding on to the majority of your products. Pay more attention to the top 20% and you will have more free time, and still make a very good living.

You now know that it is a small percentage of anything that gives you the biggest bang for your buck , or your biggest headache! – if you get to the rest, fine; but why not put most of your effort into the top 20% and see your efforts rewarded without overstretching yourself  & trying to do it all, in search of “perfect”, which is highly overrated in my opinion, as I have already shared. It will also provide objective evidence to get rid of unprofitable products and processes.

I particularly like using it for my wardrobe – I trim it every so often and give away what I do not use enough to justify the space in my closet. Someone else will get good use out of it.


I suggest you do 2 things NOW:

Sign up for my newsletter HERE  and


LEVERAGE your time & money into a a successful online business by using 20% of the usual time required to produce 80% of your results by going HERE


Relax your way to SUCCESS

In this post, I share with you my recent “full break”, with absolutely no business related stuff for 24 hrs.

This vital success principle brings clarity and re-energises you. It is important to take a complete break from your business every once in a while – preplanned and scheduled, having absolutely NOTHING to do with business in any form.

It is simpler to have it in 24 hr chunks to start of with, then move to several days, then whole weeks. Best to do something that you enjoy and can be a treat. All those happy hormones give you superpowers – at least it feels like that to me!! Time away from your business gives you a mental break, & when you get back, you are refreshed, filled with new ideas and ready to rock it!


The break is a necessary part of your business success – it is the rests (silence) in the music that make the music harmonious and pleasing, otherwise all you get is noise!

Think about it this way – the downtime will put money in your pocket. Get out your calendar and start scheduling in some rest and relaxation and let me know how that goes.


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And if you have not done so yet, I suggest you get Network Marketing 2.0 Deluxe HERE


What’s with Network Marketing?

If people like Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Clinton, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump & Bob Proctor to name a few, support Network Marketing (MLM, Direct Sales), don’t you think you should give it a look?

It is a unique opportunity to start your own business with a little capital outlay, therefore low risk, and leverage that into great wealth and passive income! Even the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet is invested in Network Marketing & it has produced more millionaires than practically any other industry sector in the world.

I joined my first company a few months ago, and in 2 weeks, had gotten to a key position, also qualifying for a $600 monthly payment towards a luxury car. Within 1 month, I had already got an ROI of 170%! Where else can you get that?

How much do you really want FINANCIAL FREEDOM?

If you haven’t done so yet >>>> Sign up for my newsletter HERE

+++++And HERE to get moving to find the most responsive prospects for your MLM


For accelerated Success, you NEED a coach!

I have two videos today: one just as I was leaving home for a high-level coaching workshop, and the other after.

I will say it again: You NEED a coach!
If you want to be successful to any extent, you will need one. Look around at all the really successful people. They ALL have either coaches or mentors. The functions of a coach and a mentor are different in execution, but they contribute a high level view to your success.
You have a goal and framework to achieve it, and you get an all round view, which you may not get on your own. I had a great boost of ideas and energy to take me through to the end of the year today! What a fantastic ROI!

Another benefit of a coaching workshop is the networking! Invaluable, I met up with a few new people – at least 3 of which are likely to keep in touch, we provided each other with valuable ideas and contacts, and one lives practically next door!


It’s a no brainer – subscribe to my newsletter here


>>>>>>Time to get started on that online business success journey HERE….


YOU are the KEY to SUCCESS

Today it’s an audio file – I got an email from a reader which brought on some thoughts that I wanted to share immediately. I was recording as I was on the go for the morning, and didn’t want to lose the essence of it by converting it to video, so you are getting my unedited thoughts!


Success and You.. and MLM’s

There is a very important point here: YOU and only YOU are responsible for your SUCCESS.

Yes, you will have help and seek help (coaches, mentors, the cat – whatever!) but ultimately, the doing and results are dependent on you.

In an MLM, don’t forget you are running a business primarily, so you need to treat it as such. Did the MLM fit in with your plans? How are you going to sponsor enough people to join the very slim 1% of successful MLM marketers? If you don’t have a strategy for marketing in place, you will be part of the 99% who make little or no profits from MLM’s, and are left with a garage full of products you can’t even give away.

Know this: your upline is not the key to your success: YOU ARE!

*******For more information, sign up for my newsletter HERE

and I will expand more as we go along.

And if you really want to find out how to get your MLM moving, CLICK HERE for the goods!
