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- Being Decisive Shapes Success — 18 comments
- Pain And Achieving Success — 6 comments
- The Importance of Leverage in Business — 4 comments
- Purpose and Purposefulness — 4 comments
- Relax your way to SUCCESS — 4 comments
Sep 24
I’m always amazed at how anyone can think that they can put in as little as possible in their current job and somehow become the best at what they do IF they get the job of their dreams. What they fail to recognize is: that is very unlikely to happen! The person who complains about …
Sep 23
It is VITAL to understand leverage, its importance in your life, and how to apply it. Leverage at its most basic means doing more with what you have. For the business person, that is usually their time and sometimes money. EVERYONE should leverage their time and money, but most are not aware of the concept …
Sep 20
OK, that sounds a bit strange – listen to my thoughts on why Gratitude and Celebration are linked, and what it has to do with your success journey. Remember – success makes you more of what you are – you could be a really successful ar****** or a really successful nice person (and there are …
Sep 19
Successful people are lifelong students – always learning something new: new ways to do things, tackle a new skill or project. It has been well proven scientifically that you build better brain power by doing something new or different. If you keep doing the same thing, you’ll end up with a shrunken brain with decreased …
Sep 18
I get a lot of my thoughts whilst in the shower or asleep. I can wake up with the solution to a challenge, or a whole letter that I was mulling over before I went to sleep ready to go! I’ve done it for years, even before I started reading about the Law of Attraction …
Sep 17
Today, I visit the Pareto principle, also called the 80/20 rule. It applies to almost everything we do – just take a look around you. Here I give some suggestions to use it in your favour – a success secret that has worked really well for me. You will develop a laser focus and optimize …
Sep 16
In this post, I share with you my recent “full break”, with absolutely no business related stuff for 24 hrs. This vital success principle brings clarity and re-energises you. It is important to take a complete break from your business every once in a while – preplanned and scheduled, having absolutely NOTHING to do with …
Sep 14
If people like Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Clinton, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump & Bob Proctor to name a few, support Network Marketing (MLM, Direct Sales), don’t you think you should give it a look? It is a unique opportunity to start your own business with a little capital outlay, therefore low risk, and leverage that into …
Sep 12
I have two videos today: one just as I was leaving home for a high-level coaching workshop, and the other after. I will say it again: You NEED a coach! If you want to be successful to any extent, you will need one. Look around at all the really successful people. They ALL have either …
Sep 11
Today it’s an audio file – I got an email from a reader which brought on some thoughts that I wanted to share immediately. I was recording as I was on the go for the morning, and didn’t want to lose the essence of it by converting it to video, so you are getting my …