Tayo Dee

Most commented posts

  1. Being Decisive Shapes Success — 18 comments
  2. Pain And Achieving Success — 6 comments
  3. The Importance of Leverage in Business — 4 comments
  4. Purpose and Purposefulness — 4 comments
  5. Relax your way to SUCCESS — 4 comments

Author's posts

The Power Of One

Never underestimate the power of one: the ability of a single person – you, to effect change. This video is meant to stand on its own today – it pretty much says much of what I want to say. Individuals throughout history have effected massive changes, great inventions and improved services when the odds were …

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Mindset For Success

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought” Buddha You can find numerous variations of this quotation all over the place. The tendency of a lot of people is to dismiss it, and anything that discusses requiring a certain mindset for success, as too “woo woo”. Who cares, especially if it …

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Solution Based Learning

There is so much information on just about everything out there, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed. Paraphrasing what Napoleon Hill said in his great book, Think and Grow Rich: It is not  knowledge that creates wealth, it is the application of knowledge: the things you actually do with that knowledge. That is why you …

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Which Road To Success

To be successful is everyone’s birthright! Unfortunately, many do not know how to go about it and lack necessary tools for the journey. Which road to success are you on? Knowing that you will never have a true goal that you cannot achieve will give you the confidence to start planning! Since there are many …

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Success Leaves Clues

I want to share today why I started this blog. In the process of sharing, it gives me further insights into myself, my motives and what I do, and helps my continue to grow! I am a life-long learner and do-er, so pretty much anything that takes me to a higher plane of evolving, I …

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4 Simple Steps To Develop Persistence

Here I am in busy Lagos traffic – persistence in itself! Lagos is a glorious city, the financial capital of Lagos. Depending on who you listen to, it has a population of up to 11 million! That’s a lot of people on the roads and just about everywhere else. I had an important business meeting, …

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Storytelling And Business

What has storytelling and business got to do with each other? How do you engage with your audience – especially for your business? Most people have a business persona, which is stiffer and more reserved than they are in normal life. However, if there is anything that the massive popularity of social media and the Millennials …

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Anything Is Possible!

You’ve heard the old saying: Anything is Possible, but may not actually believe it. Belief is key in manifesting whatever you desire, either consciously or subconsciously. If you don’t believe it will happen, it probably never will. From Henry Ford – he should know: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right” …

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Your Mindset And Success

How do you think of Success? Is it something that is so far out of you reach, it is unfathomable? Or… do you see yourself as successful – the rest of the world has just not caught up to it? Most people who are not yet successful discount or actually ignore mindset. They want to …

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Being Decisive Shapes Success

How quick are you in making decisions? Do you procrastinate for so long, there is a large queue behind you at the checkout counter? If so, what was going through your mind? It is usually due to a fear of some sort – fear of making the wrong choice or decision, fear of criticism, fear …

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