Tayo Dee

Most commented posts

  1. Being Decisive Shapes Success — 18 comments
  2. Pain And Achieving Success — 6 comments
  3. The Importance of Leverage in Business — 4 comments
  4. Purpose and Purposefulness — 4 comments
  5. Relax your way to SUCCESS — 4 comments

Author's posts

Gratitude Research = Happiness!

Yep! It’s been proven scientifically, for all the left brainers out there: Gratitude is great for you. You might wander why anyone would want to prove it, but there are lots of people out there who wait for “proof” before doing anything as esoteric as practicing gratitude. If it has been scientifically proven through multiple …

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Why Is An Abundance Mindset Vital?

An abundance mindset coupled with gratitude is like rocket fuel in a car! It gives your life a huge boost and attaining your goals and desires begins to feel effortless. When you are in a space of not-enough, things shut down. You can’t see much ahead or to look forward to – it’s already been …

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2 Steps To A Successful and Wealthy Life

Put in it’s simplest form, there are really only 2 requirements to success. As mentioned previously, you define your own success and wealth point. Mother Theresa was wealthy & successful – it just may have been in a different way from what you see for yourself. The others success principles or attributes arise from these. …

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Why You Must Attend Events!

There is such a lot to be gained from attending such meetings – the high energy from the meeting of minds as such venues is uplifting, you have face-to-face contact with people who you may not otherwise be able to meet with. This is relationship building at its best! Whatever you happen to be involved …

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What Does Freedom Mean To You?

Have you thought about what freedom really means to you? Think about this a bit deeper, and ask yourself if it is beneficial to those around you and to the universe in general? Is your expression of freedom a gift to the world, or just yourself and maybe a few people? Our desire for success …

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No Money? How To Go About Earning Some.

This post was inspired by a reader recently. It is a common question, but not a really useful one. The state you are in to ask the question that way is not conducive to attracting money to you. The question is fairly firmly rooted in a victim mindset. Look for something you can do to …

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Persistence Will Change Your Life

You hear all the talk about persistence, and wonder. Sounds like a great idea, but is it really that important? Let’s put it like this: if you have a goal, something that is big enough to both scare and excite you, accompanied by a burning desire, a definiteness of purpose to achieve that goal, persistence …

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Thanksgiving, Gratitude and Giving

A very happy and relaxed Thanksgiving to all our American friends! We have another set of holidays around the corner, so it’s a great time for everyone to spend some time in reflection. Let’s look around us in gratitude for what we do have – there are so many people worse of than we are. …

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The Path To Wealth

You may want to be wealthy, but do you have a PLAN? Wealth does not just happen. You won’t find it land on your head, lap or doorstep anytime soon. The path to wealth requires forethought and planning. You should know whatever you do have – if you can’t manage what you have now, what …

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What Get’s People Through Your Door?

If you have a business, do you have a product or service that attracts people to look at the product or service in the first place? It will be a lower priced item that will allow customers to get to know your business. It does have to represent good value to your customer – something …

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