The statistics are wild! In developed countries, the ROI (return on investment) on student loans is in the negative.
There are millions of people today in most developed countries, buried alive by student loans, with absolutely no idea of how they will pay it off. The awful reality is, when they do, it may be up to a couple of decades later!
Imagine what that does to the psyche. You spend all that money and time getting an education, expecting a decent job at the end of it – only to find that, if you are one of the lucky few, it pays you well below what you thought you’d be getting.
You now end up struggling, living paycheck to pay check, taking out even more debt – payday loans, credit card, store card debt etc., with no end in sight.
I’m pretty sure that is not what you had in mind when you took on those student loans and embarked on the education you thought was going to have a pot of gold – OK, a decent job, at the end of it.
Time to wake up and plan. Be strategic!
Yes, you want and education, but as in all things, make sure it delivers what you want!
Go out and get an education that will lead you to something decent. Something with enough $$$ at the end of it to justify the expense of your money and time.
Not just on a 1:1 basis – that is a poor trade, but on a something that will bring you many times what you put into it, in a reasonable period of time. Reasonable in my book is 2- 5 years. This is how to use the power of leverage.
If you did not go to a formal apprenticeship or trade school, in which case, when you come out of it you are ready to rock; consider the years you spend in college/university after high school as preparation for when you get out in the real world.
This is when you hone the things you learnt in the classroom with practice, and become really good at it. This is where you really become skilled. At the end of 5 years, you ought to have achieved sufficient mastery of whatever you chose to do.
If you are a student – be smart! instead of spending all that time in the bars or parties, you
can spend some of that time developing your own online business.
The great thing is – startup costs are low!
For a couple of hours a day (less when you’ve got it on a good footing), you can develop a great source of incomewhich could pay your college fees, leave you debt-free at the end, and even have some extra cash in your pocket to allow you some leeway and more choices.
Isn’t that a much better plan for your education?
There are a lot of options and I am pretty sure I can find one to suit you.
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