Giving And Receiving

It’s one of the busiest times of the year – for almost everyone! There are parties and gatherings, dinners, lunches at work or with colleagues and, of course family.
In the whirl of activity, lets keep some balance here and continue with the theme of gratitude.

Take some time to do something for someone else – you really will feel much better about yourself. There is a lot of avenues to do something – donations are fine, as well as specific gifts. The pleasure I get from it is precious.

In my family, we don’t exchange physical gifts  – we prefer to spend time around each other and celebrate with some great meals. Our gift to each other is time. You can do the same by spending time with someone who you feel would like it – a senior, a child or person in a difficult situation – there is a lot of opportunity out there.

At the same time, you may be receiving some gifts yourself – accept all with grace and a simple “Thank You”  – that is all that is required. There is grace in such simplicity of language and emotion.

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Being Right Or Being Happy?

You may have heard of that phrase from A Course in Miracles. That phrase is to make you think? Is arguing my point so important that I will ruin relationships in the process? Why can’t I have both?
There are so many other ways to look at that phrase in our everyday life.

This was an example of wanting to hold on to the annoyance of what happened for long enough to get my point across – but in the process, I failed to see a workable solution! I could have both actually – but it needed me to step away from that place for a while and look at the larger picture. The workable answer or solution was not long in coming.
I still get to put my point across without all the angst that was there originally. My behaviour no longer depends on a response or lack of one. It’s a great place to be!

I can extrapolate that with an urban legend quote:
“Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
Replace resentment with any negative emotion directed at someone else – anger, jealousy etc. If you look closely, it hurts you more! It applies to most situations where you feel it is “My way or the highway.”
Take a step back and create a win-win situation for both of you, but especially for you – it decreases your stress! By now, you do know there are many ways to do most – you don’t have the patent on it.

If you develop the ability to look in at yourself and your behaviour or reaction to someone else when you are annoyed, you can still come out putting your point across (in a non-threatening manner) and being happy.
It’s really the best of both worlds.


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Want To Set Goals Easily?

I’m sure you have heard that you need to set goals to get anywhere. That is a no-brainer, and is only the very start. Thing is – how do you go about setting it and getting it done fairly quickly.
Also, you want something in a format you can remember and act upon, and not have to pick up a manuscript every time. Watch for the answers in this video!

This is so simple, I can wake up from a deep sleep and recall the elements of my goals, and what you need to concentrate on becomes fairly apparent.
Your goal needs to be at the forefront of your thoughts, otherwise it is not large enough! The steps to achieve it may be small – which it needs to be to be manageable and prevent overwhelm, but the goal itself should be audacious – take your breath away and get you going.

Let me know how this works for you and how inspired you are to get to your goal! Even better, share it with your friends and anyone who may be stuck in a rut and could use it to get started.

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What Can You Learn From Hard Times (And People!) And Still Become Successful

How do you develop and build your life, your business and your relationships? When I hit the inevitable roadblock, I take the time to reflect on what got me to that place, what I do not like about it, and what I am going to do about it.
There is always a lesson to be learned, and they can be valuable life lessons, otherwise we are going to repeat the same thing over an over again. I have come out far better from those reflections and changes I made.
Remember Einstein? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

How do you become a master or expert? You could read lots of books and go to courses. Then you can turbocharge the whole thing by looking for a coach or mentor to take you there even faster.
You do need to be careful in selecting your teachers (coach or mentor). If they make it look really hard – guess what, you will feel it is so hard, you aren’t that motivated to learn, and it will disappear quickly.
There is a beauty in watching and following someone who is so good at what they do, it’s practically effortless.

There is always the capacity to improve, so perfect does not really exist. If you are aiming for perfection, why do you feel that you are far away from it? Not getting the results you want? It’s because it seems so far out of reach!
Look at it this way – continue to do your best, realizing that you can improve with each step, each day. You’ll soon be amazed at where you are! You get there by taking action and keep on going.

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Build Your Confidence: Be Competent

Confidence is one of those things you absolutely must have – to gain respect, to become successful and to have control of your life and destiny.
How do you go about building self confidence? The video today gives you some practical confidence tips to get you going, especially in a pinch.

I discuss something which is called the Confidence/Competence Loop. This basically infers that, to become more confident, you have to become more competent in whatever it is you do.
Fear is the enemy of confidence, and can take you down faster than you can say “Jack Robinson”.

When you start learning to drive, you are fearful of having an accident, and feel that you can never master it – so many things to get right at the same time, especially if you are driving a stick shift car, changing gears and clutching.
Your initial drives are shaky and slow. As you take more lessons, what happens? Hopefully you answered that you got better, and maybe even fancied yourself as a race-car driver! I know I did – I loved the freedom of it all, and controlling all that horsepower was a skill I gravitated to – almost an art! At that point, I was driving on my own, passed my test and driving long distances and at night. I had become a great driver – and with it, I was confident of my driving skills.
It is pretty much the same for anything out there. The more competent you are, and in different areas, the more confident you feel! You can become competent at parallel parking your car, speaking a foreign language, cooking, playing the guitar, writing great copy etc. The aggregate of your competencies produces a synergistic effect in your confidence overall. Pretty powerful stuff.

You develop a can-do attitude, even when you are starting something from scratch. You’re no longer put off, as you know things will get better with practice till you master it.
Action takes over from the fear of failure, and leads you towards competence and confidence.


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You Can’t Go It ALONE!

There is absolutely no way you can go it alone. Whatever you do, you require – actually, you NEED – other people to help you.
This is especially true in business, which is made of of alliances, otherwise you will end up as the lawyer, accountant, cleaner, salesperson, website developer, office manager, all at the same time.

As each area is specialized, you cannot possibly be a master at everything. And if you do want to be successful, you need the help of people who are masters of their fields.
This requires you forming networks and alliances to bring in the requisite skills. The sum of those people and their skills is far greater than the individual parts – at its core, it is the power of a mastermind. There is great strength in partnerships, if you choose your partners carefully.

Be open to what you can offer a network or group of people, and you’ll be surprised at the quality of the people you attract. It goes back to providing value – if what you have to offer is valuable, it would be natural for the other person or group to offer you something of the same or greater approximate value in return. They would love to be associated with you, and there are many people willing to do so,, if you keep an open mind and attitude.


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Finish The Year Strong – Get Organized!

It’d be nice to have a really clean schedule, with little outstanding by the end of the year.
I doubt there are too many people with that. For the rest of us, how do we deal with it and place things in perspective, and prevent overwhelm?

GET ORGANIZED – the sooner the better. That means starting with a plan, which makes it easier to execute and follow. Not having a plan is a hiding to nowhere.

Broad categories to consider are: Health, Relationships, Family & Friends, Finances, Career, Spiritual, Charity. You can add anything that works for you.
It is OK to kick something off your list – it frees up more mental space and energy for what you have left.

The mere act of having a plan and action steps will more likely get you started on actually resolving the issues and getting to a clean plate. Momentum will carry you forward. A cluttered mind is stressful and unhealthy. You are unlikely to do much very well until your mind is clear and open. Start that process now and see the benefits for yourself!
It will feed into almost all aspects of your life – no more harried looks and short tempers; your health improves, as do relationships. What’s not to like?
Once you’ve cleaned up your schedule, there is now space for the great things to come in without being hampered by the thought of having to deal with stuff from the past. You become far more productive.

Finish the year strong. Procrastination becomes a thing of the past and there are HUGE benefits- yay!

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How Quickly Do You Answer Questions?

This is a boots-on-the-ground observation that I’d like to share with you.

How quickly do you answer questions or make decisions in areas you are supposed to be an expert or have sufficient knowledge of?
We are not talking taking quick decisions for the sake of it, but realize that the speed of your decisions or answers is a measure of your expertise and habits. Even if you don’t know or are not sure of the answer, make up your mind briskly one way or the other and move on. This skill leads to respect and is essential in a leader.
You will tend to do things the same way, so why not develop good habits?

If you want to be considered an expert and good at what you do, you will have put in the work, hone your skills until it becomes la no-brainer and almost effortless. That is true expertise.

You will then be a teacher, mentor and expert, providing true value to others, and getting compensated for it.
Time is indeed money – think of it this way – the longer you take to make decisions and/or provide the required answer, the further away the money is moving from you. Shake things up, make up your mind rapidly and move on! You will be respected wherever you go. Nice!


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Network Marketing and You 2

Now that you have joined your Network Marketing company, what next?
In order to be successful, you need to sponsor other people and form your own team. For this, you need to be prepared for a roller coaster ride! As in anything, there will be ups and downs, with a lot of people quitting at the first hurdle.

When you have a huge reason – your WHY, as well as a burning desire to succeed, this will carry you a lot further and your success is all but guaranteed. Each person must want more – not need more – that is much less likely to be an effective motivator).
You are the driving force for your team: when you can show that it is possible for them to succeed by example and share success stories with them, they will KNOW that it is also possible for them and everyone else.
In picking my team, I select people I believe in. They may not believe in their own ability to pull it off yet, but my belief in them becomes a beacon that gets them started till they then believe in themselves and their ability to make it work.

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Network Marketing And You 1

What is it about Network Marketing that evokes so much talk and emotion? I believe it is due to the misinformation out there.
There are so many proponents of Network Marketing, also called Multilevel Marketing (MLM) for a good reason. It works! It is not a magic pill or get-rich-quick scheme.

What Network Marketing does is give people a good shot at creating their own future. It takes work! You need to learn the product and the marketplace. develop your personality and personal skills, and be patient and persistent as you build your business.
The people you share the story with need to be motivated enough to share your vision of a team of achievers. This could transform their lives, take them out of, as Les Brown puts it “Journey of the broke.”

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