Network Marketing and You 2

Now that you have joined your Network Marketing company, what next?
In order to be successful, you need to sponsor other people and form your own team. For this, you need to be prepared for a roller coaster ride! As in anything, there will be ups and downs, with a lot of people quitting at the first hurdle.

When you have a huge reason – your WHY, as well as a burning desire to succeed, this will carry you a lot further and your success is all but guaranteed. Each person must want more – not need more – that is much less likely to be an effective motivator).
You are the driving force for your team: when you can show that it is possible for them to succeed by example and share success stories with them, they will KNOW that it is also possible for them and everyone else.
In picking my team, I select people I believe in. They may not believe in their own ability to pull it off yet, but my belief in them becomes a beacon that gets them started till they then believe in themselves and their ability to make it work.

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