Tayo Dee

Most commented posts

  1. Being Decisive Shapes Success — 18 comments
  2. Pain And Achieving Success — 6 comments
  3. The Importance of Leverage in Business — 4 comments
  4. Purpose and Purposefulness — 4 comments
  5. Relax your way to SUCCESS — 4 comments

Author's posts

Where Can You Find The PERFECT Answer?

I’m talking about finding answers to those really large challenges. In the past, I have wanted to know the perfect answer to some major problem , and hoped it would be handed to me. Kinda divine inspiration. It’s as if getting that answer will magically get the clouds to part and life will be perfect. …

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You’ve Got A Boss – Deal With It!

Can you function without the direct supervision of a boss? Do you take responsibility for EVERYTHING you do? Whatever we do, most of us are accountable to someone or to a group of people. This can be a regular boss (if you are in the workforce) but it also means anyone you are accountable to. …

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Ask Your Way To Success!

There is a general tendency not to ask as many questions as we probably should. That comes from a fear of rejection., fear that the answer is a NO. I’m asking you to take a step back and consider the advantages. How do we learn? By asking questions of course. As humans, we are hard-wired …

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Buried Alive By Student Loans

The statistics are wild! In developed countries, the ROI (return on investment) on student loans is in the negative. There are millions of people today in most developed countries, buried alive by student loans, with absolutely no idea of how they will pay it off. The awful reality is, when they do, it may be …

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Success, Long Life And Spirituality

I told you I was on a roll! Here I share the last part of my thoughts on a quality long life. Genes and the environment you live in are important facets that affect your health, but don’t neglect or belittle the effect YOU have on your health. You have a 66% chance of trouncing …

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Health, Longevity And Success.

Today, I’m adding to our last conversation on health and long life. The 3 major components of great health are 1.Nutrition and diet, 2. Exercise and 3. A positive mental attitude. I’m not talking about long life for the sake of it, but living a long life to do all the things you want to do. …

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The Secret To Long Life

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.  ~ Buddha Do you recall how you feel when you are ill? Completely out of sorts and can’t do as much as you would like? If your general health is not that …

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Goals & Action Steps To Get There

We are coming to the 1/2 year mark of 2013 – its gone by so fast! If you are like millions – probably more like billions, you made some resolutions for the year on December 31. For starters, I am not a believer in New Year resolutions – why would you think that you can …

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Building Your Network & Social Media

As an online marketer, you quickly come to realize that the key aspects of your business are your list and the relationship you have with them. Look at it this way: you may have a wonderful, kick-ass product, but if you don’t have an buyers for it, you won’t sell diddly. Your buyers can’t be …

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Traffic, Leads and Sales

If you are in online marketing, you need to understand the difference between traffic and leads. And how those leads become customers, which is where you get paid! If you are a store in the mall, you definitely want to be in a location with lots of people shopping there – traffic. You are in …

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